About Stafford

Stafford Whiteaker and his dog near his home in the South of France
Stafford Whiteaker near his home in the South of France
Who is Stafford Whiteaker? As a spiritual seeker, this is a question I’ve asked myself in many ways over the years! I am happy to say that I like best the answers I’ve come up with on the inside, even though that discovery and growth has been through loss and pain as much as through creativity and joy. However, an “About” page requires a few material facts, so here is a tiny summary of what it has looked like on the outside:

Born in the USA to artistic and wonderfully complex parents and a large and loving extended family, I was educated in the USA, in Mexico and England. I have lived most of my life in Europe, and I am now in France. I’ve had an eventful life, with the privilege of exposure to many cultures, immersion in the arts and literature in many forms, and experience of various types of relationships as son, nephew, husband, father, monk, hermit, lover, …. I have also filled many roles, such as company director, international sports team member, spiritual coach, and throughout, following my greatest passion, as a writer.

I have written and broadcast regularly on the subject of spirituality, and had considerable media coverage, including BBC2 Travel Show, ITV Sunday Morning, Daily Telegraph, Independent on Sunday, The Independent, The European, The Times, The Sunday Times, and appearances in TV programmes in Britain, Italy and Switzerland.

On this site, you can browse a selection of my 23 Books and read about my passion for Retreats which led to my creating Europe’s best-selling book on spiritual retreats, The Good Retreat Guide. You can use my new Meditations for Lent which are part of the groundwork for a book of Meditations based on the work of Bishop Richard Challoner. Share your feedback to help me refine them before formal publication. You can also share in the development of my latest work, a novel, The Cloud of Goodness, by joining the conversation between me and my readers.

I am very much enjoying this next phase in my development as a writer. As always, I look forward to your feedback, and with even more anticipation due to the speed of interaction now possible via social media.