Meditations for Lent

Four candles symbolise the guiding light of Meditations for Lent Table of Contents
Four candles Szopińska
Meditations for Lent
by Stafford Whiteaker

Table of Contents

Schedule Chapter
Sat 06 How to use these Meditations

  1. Overview of the Meditations
  2. About Lent
  3. Getting the most from these Meditations
Sun 07 Preparatory Meditations for Lent

  1. The examination of our interior state
  2. Our sins of omission
  3. A further examination of the soul
Wed 10 On Repentance: Ash Wednesday Meditation

We are reminded on this day, which begins the season of Lent, that we come from dust, the ash of this earth, and we return to it. No one escapes this ending. This should bring a deep sense of humility and thankfulness to God for the days of life you have been given. But it is also a reminder that none should delay reconciliation with God, because death can come at any hour. Therefore, we should not postpone following the path of Christ if we hope for eternal reunion with God, because time is really not on our side.

Sun 14 On Fasting: Meditations for Lent Week 1

  1. On fasting
  2. The rules of fasting
  3. The true fast of a Christian life
Sun 21 On Mercy: Meditations for Lent Week 2

  1. On exercising works of mercy
  2. The spiritual works of mercy
  3. On Jesus being condemned to the Cross
Sun 28 On Prayer: Meditations for Lent Week 3

  1. On Prayer
  2. The necessity of prayer
  3. Attention in prayer
Sun 06 On Betrayal: Meditations for Lent Week 4

  1. The treason of Judas
  2. Jesus’s treatment in the house of Caiaphas
  3. On Barabbas and the scourging of Jesus
Sun 13 On Suffering: Meditations for Lent Week 5

  1. On devotion to the Passion of Christ
  2. The benefits of devotion to the Passion Of Christ
  3. The lessons Christ teaches in his Passion
Sun 20 On Submission: Meditations for Lent Week 6

  1. Lessons to be learned from Christ in his Passion
  2. The love Christ has shown us in his Passion
  3. On Jesus preaching from the Cross
Fri 25 On Redemption: Meditation for Good Friday

On Our Saviour’s Death


© “Meditations for Lent” by Stafford Whiteaker from “CALLED INTO LIGHT — Meditations with Bishop Challoner for the Christian Year” by Stafford Whiteaker to be published by Gracewing Ltd in late 2021. Permission is granted for quoting from these meditations as long as the source by book title and author is credited. Pre-ordering via (Please note that foreign rights including USA have not yet been finalised. Permission has been granted by the author for this book to be translated into the French language as well as the usual translations given in foreign rights editions.)