
Cover of The Good Retreat Guide 6th Edition showing a peaceful mountain lake in front of a distance snow-capped peak. The book lists over 500 retreats.
The Good Retreat Guide 6th Edition cover

Every spiritual seeker needs space and time for quiet reflection. We usually have in common appreciating the value of a daily discipline of quietness, but we all do it in different ways and resonate with different philosophies, methods, places and people.

We can enhance the benefits of daily practice by taking or creating opportunities to “retreat” from the world for deeper immersion in our spiritual principles over an extended period. Occasional or regular Retreats of anything from one day to a few weeks can be re-energising or even life-changing.

I had a wonderful journey along the way to creating Europe’s best-selling book on spiritual retreats, The Good Retreat Guide.

The book’s success led to the creation of The Good Retreat Guide Online, which made it even easier to find a Retreat provider. For people seeking new values, alternatives to materialism or simply some rest and relaxation, the site enabled search by Events, Facilitators, Locations, Spiritual Paths (Buddhism, Christianity, Yoga, etc.).

The Good Retreat Guide Online successfully connected retreat providers and seekers for several years. That website is currently not available but may be resurrected in future. For more information, please contact Stafford Whiteaker.

In the meantime, you can still find on Amazon copies of the paperback The Good Retreat Guide. It contains a useful Introduction to issues such as What is a retreat? Who goes on a retreat? What to expect on a retreat? and What are the different types of retreat?